Be Appreciative

Jul 5, 2023


What is Appreciation & Recognition?

We all want to feel valued in some way or another. But instead of waiting for recognition to come to us, we should strive to be the trailblazers of appreciation. A tactic of “paying it forward” encourages an environment of positivity and recognition.

Appreciation can be achieved by something as simple as saying “thank you” to people in our professional and personal lives. We can go even further by asking someone about their day, or offering a compliment. Showing interest in those around us can promote a sense of value and belonging.

Why is it Important?

Research has shown that expressing appreciation for others not only benefits the recipients, but also invigorates the giver, creating an uplifting environment for everyone. Conveying appreciation for those around us encourages self-improvement and empowers them to face their challenges with greater confidence than they otherwise might have. A culture of appreciation also invites healthy and open communication.

How to Practice Appreciation & Recognition:

  1. Stop and Breathe. Pause to value the moment. Take breaks throughout the day and stop to reflect on the warmth of sunlight on our skin, or the aroma of freshly cut grass. We should allow ourselves intermittent pauses every day and use them to reflect on things to appreciate, even if only in our own thoughts.

  2. Determine What We Value in Others: To express appreciation for others, we have to know what it is we appreciate about them. Do we appreciate their honesty and effort? Do we appreciate their uncanny ability for time management? Chances are that everyone around us has different skills and talents worthy of recognizing and applauding.

  3. Say “Thank You.” It’s not enough to offer a simple pat on the back. Gestures should be reinforced with words, and words reinforced with gestures. Appreciation is a loop and it can be as simple as taking an interest in the lives of those close to us. Ask about their weekend, or their family. Give a compliment. Remember birthdays or other important dates.

Recommended Content:

An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

The 5 Languages of Appreciation: How Employee Appreciation Increases Retention and Workplace Satisfaction, Work for Humans

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