Conflicting Currents of Personality
Jul 12, 2024
Faraz Gafoor
Walking Contradictions
Each of us is a complex person full of unique nuances and varying dimensions. The SurePeople Prism® empowers us to recognize and address these different dimensions, even when our personalities consist of two contradicting types, such as those who are socially extroverted but process situations internally.
Though rare, paradoxical personalities like this are not unheard of, as delineated in this study from Europe’s Journal of Psychology. Those occupying the Versatile quadrant of Prism may present themselves as socially savvy, their presence radiating a natural charisma. They are undoubtedly at home in the center of a group, regaling others with high tales.
Yet, typically unbeknownst to others, if their personality includes a seemingly contradicting lean into internal processing, they may similarly relish personal time, needing it to refresh and reinvigorate themselves. We may know individuals like this or perhaps share these characteristics ourselves. Maybe we enjoy being in the spotlight, only to feel a need to retreat into our private corners.
Whether we’re observing this behavior in others or experiencing it ourselves, the contradiction may seem blatantly confusing. But, as discussed by psychologist Wendy Smith in this podcast, we do a disservice to ourselves when we adhere to binary thinking. Life’s myriad situations are complex—and so are people. Each of us is riddled with numerous nuances rather than clear-cut lines.
We needn’t shy away from complexity. Rather, through tools like SurePeople’s Relationship Advisor, we can embrace and maneuver these complexities, thus gaining better insight into ourselves and those closest to us.
“Together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction.”
- Criss Jami
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