Prepare For The Next Week Ahead
Apr 2, 2020
Faraz Gafoor
Across the world right now, millions of people just like you are adjusting to new ways of life and work. In the midst of this historic moment, mindsets about self-preservation have gradually given way to the collective good and a focus on how we’ll manage these turbulent times together.
While current events will certainly live in our memories forever, there is no better time than now to explore the emotions of uncertainty that great change brings about. Emotions like anger, frustration, and isolation can quickly evolve out of fear of the unknown. Knowing how to recognize these emotions—and put them into perspective—can mean the difference between positivity and hope, or negativity and fear.
No matter what change has brought about for you, there’s likely an element of unrest that could use attention and reflection. What feelings has this invoked in you? What impact are they having on your daily life? Are you actively managing them?
Moments like these are characterized by the actions we take. The long lasting impact of them is defined by your ability to take action on behalf of yourself. As well, going above and beyond on behalf of others, is what can create strong feelings of gratitude. That emotion can quickly diminish fear and unrest by replacing it with appreciation and calm. Who do you know that needs a boost of inspiration or hope? What can you do to spread joy and happiness to others?
Whatever your current condition or mental state, take time right now to pause. Address the moment you’re in and be mindful of your emotional state. Do the same for others by reaching out. And remember, social distancing will make the world a better place. Emotional distancing will not.
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” - Theodor Seuss Geisel
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