The Courage to Trust
Mar 25, 2021
Trust is the foundation of all healthy and productive relationships. In trusting relationships, people build upon each other’s ideas and successes. They listen as allies, not as adversaries. They find joy in being themselves and they accept feedback openly from one another.
Trust, of course, must run both ways. Just as trust requires you to take a chance, sometimes even risking a loss—it also requires others to take a chance to open up to vulnerability. For that to happen, you must first purposely make an effort to cultivate strong and healthy connections. In this way, trusting relationships aren't just coincidental. They involve making conscious efforts to do the things that spark a sense of interest and empathy.
For that, there is The Relationship Advisor tool. Relationship Advisor provides a side-by-side comparison of your Prism data with clues about what’s likely to work and not work as you attempt to build connections with others. It's a deeper look into the dynamics that guide our actions, behaviors, and potential blind spots that can either build or erode trust.
This week, consider one or two relationships on your team where you could use a little boost. Use The Relationship Advisor with each of those connections to assess what you share in common, what separates you, and what are just a few things you could do to strengthen the trust between you.
Relationships based on trust are what allow teams to be honest about breakdowns or dysfunction, to express concern about looming problems, to give feedback, and to share personal stakes. This level of psychological safety is what makes us embrace, remember and celebrate the great teams we've been a part of.
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
― Carl Gustav Jung
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