Time Well Spent
Apr 13, 2021
Faraz Gafoor
Positive and long-lasting change doesn't just happen. It takes focus and revisitation. It takes an optimistic attitude and a real understanding that hard things come before good things. Development and growth are always available during moments of change—whether they're embraced or not.
Positive change can feel daunting at times and hard to manage, but it's helpful to remember that it not only benefits you the individual, it often has a lasting impact on the people and environment around you. When we've embraced change openly, we understand the moment we're in and become much more incentivized by that intrinsic clarity, rather than by the reward at the end of the tunnel. Suddenly everything starts to click because we're willing to fail quickly, rebound and inherently know that so much good will come from our ability to develop in the moment.
Being able to step back and allow time for everything to sink in, is how to adopt a learner's mindset. It's not enough to just take continuous action, we must become aware of the larger purpose we're serving that gives reason to our actions. For that, you need a reminder of the goals you're seeking. An understanding of that path you're on and how you got to this point. The Action Plan is a tool for doing just that. Action Plan allows you to set goals and assign tasks to them in order to help strategize and track personal and professional development that are meaningful to you.
This week, consider taking the time to select one goal important to you and begin building a plan of action around it. What will you do? Who will you involve? What steps are necessary for achieving it? While the Action Plan won't help you reach your goals on its own, it will help you be more mindful of what you're setting out to achieve. After all, change happens. It's what we do with it and who we become within it that's worth the time spent and price of admission.
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
― Anais Nin
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