Your Passion Is Your Talent
May 14, 2020
Faraz Gafoor
We often see people in terms of their talent. A professional athlete, a creative artist, a thought-provoking author, a proficient business professional. But what makes a person truly unique and stand out from their peers, is the passion that drives them.
While talent is the ability to perform an activity with a certain level of aptitude—passion is what fuels the creativity and drive necessary to be extraordinary at what you do. So how do you discover your passion and connect it with your talent?
First, get to know yourself. Think in terms of what you like, what you don't, what you're drawn to, what you're inspired by, and what brings you joy. Remember, it’s not enough to just look through the lens of how others see you or experience your talents and aspirations.
It takes deep self-consideration to discover not only what you're passionate about, but to understand how you can apply it. Once you discover a passion, don't let it go. Use it, develop it, teach it to others, live by it, and most importantly—enjoy the feel of it. It’s often easier said than done but feeling a sense of satisfaction from having discovered your passion and then learning to let it fuel you, is everyone’s greatest challenge.
If you're up to it, figure out how the love of something important to you can connect with your talents. Then, be diligent enough to practice it and learn through it continually, enough so that you develop a talent for it.
We can help you with the first step. Take a look through your Prism Portrait. What themes can you discover? What strikes a chord with you? What doesn’t? Take some time to rediscover the intricacies of how you tick. Perhaps you’ll find something inspiring just by holding up the mirror.
Be passionate, be extraordinary.
"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein
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